For folks who are toying with the idea of getting into anal, there’s often one shared concern that tends to rear its head over and over: “What about poop?” It’s a valid question. No one wants to leave traces on their partner, no matter how human it is. Hopefully, the person you’re doing it with realizes it’s a risk that’s outweighed by the reward. If it happens, it can certainly be embarrassing, but if they make a big deal about it, you probably shouldn’t do it with them again!
To minimize the risk, however, there are options. For most folks, taking a visit to the bathroom and a rigorous shower before a rousing bout of anal is all the prep they’ll need to do. An unscented baby wipe can also do in a pinch. But some people may prefer to take extra measures to be extremely clean. Enemas and douches are the most common method of cleansing in and around the back door.
A douche effectively cleans the first couple inches of your inside; it clears any fecal matter that may have gotten stuck on its way out. An enema goes a bit further and cleans out the lower large intestine. Again, keep in mind that #2 is stored in the upper portions of the large intestines, so it’s unlikely that anything will sneak out during anal, but not all of us have perfect poops, and not to be graphic, but sometimes toilet paper just doesn’t do the job that a bidet can.
Porn stars often need to be as clean as a whistle before an anal scene, especially because some of those camera angles get very close and tight. Asa Akira outlined her routine, a multi-day, many-step process consisting of a super-fiber-rich diet, natural laxatives, and at least one (if not several) enemas. But she says herself that’s only because they’re on camera and they’re engaged for hours—porn sex is a far different experience than sex itself. Asa told Men’s Health readers that if they’re planning on staying off-camera in their own home, a shower or baby wipe is probably good enough.
If you’re not getting ready for your close-up, you probably don’t need to go to the extreme lengths Asa and friends do. But people do have good reasons for wanting to go the extra mile to ensure cleanliness. Cleaning out beforehand can help them relax and enjoy the experience, giving them the peace of mind to truly be present throughout the experience. Others, to put it delicately, may have more recently had some bowel movements that were far up or down on the Bristol Stool Chart and want to play it safe.
Choosing the right tool
If you’re brand new to the process, using a very simple, basic douche is advisable. A classic douche consists of a bulb and a nozzle that you add liquid to and squeeze. These types of douches are simple and comfortable. For more advanced users, an enema that connects to your showerhead allows you to control the temperature and flow of the water.
For some, using a douche and enema isn’t a means to an end but the end itself. Klismaphiliacs, or folks who really get off on using douches, may simply enjoy the process of inserting the nozzle and the relief they feel afterward. For them, a douche with different attachments can add an extra bit of pleasure to what is ultimately already a fulfilling experience.
How to douche
Douching can be a messy process, so it’s best to do it over the toilet or in the shower. You can perch on the edge of the tub or stand with one leg up on the ledge (if you don’t have a ledge, you can bring in a small stool—the kind you sit on, that is, not the other kind. We’re getting rid of stool here.)To further reduce stress, a one-way douche can prevent untidy backflow. As you remove the douche, keep the the bulb compressed until you can dump it down a drain to avoid any spillage. Make sure your douche nozzle (so hard to say that phrase with a straight face!) has been thoroughly cleaned with antibacterial soap and water. Use your favorite lube to lubricate the tip and your hole for insertion. You don’t need to go far; just the tip is sufficient!
Now’s the time when you let the liquid in. Squeeze the bulb or bag and let the liquid in slowly. If using a shower enema, start on a low-pressure setting after testing the temperature.
Once you feel “full,” hold the liquid inside for a minute or two. Release the liquid and repeat until the liquid releasing is clear. Wait about 30 minutes to ensure that all liquid has exited the bowels. Shower afterward so you’re just as clean on the outside as you are on the inside!
Safety Tips
“Colon cleansing” enthusiasts touted the benefits of colon hydrotherapy when new age, alternative medical practices became trendy, but clinical research has shown that high colonics are unnecessary, and there is no scientific evidence to support any claims of benefits.
When you do douche or use an enema, you should absolutely only use water, saline or a mineral oil solution unless a doctor has recommended an alternative. Some wellness trends tout the use of coffee enemas or other food-grade liquids, but these can actually damage the rectal tissue and cause electrolyte imbalance, inflammation, dehydration and other health issues. Many doctors recommend that you use enemas sparingly to avoid the possible risks.
Make sure the liquid isn’t too hot or too cold to avoid burning or shocking your system and be aware that the delicate tissue in and around your posterior is far more sensitive than other body parts that may be able to sustain hot or cold temperatures.
Now that you’re thoroughly rinsed inside and out, it’s time to relax and enjoy!